
District News
Black History Month Tucson Unified School DistrictCTE Month Celebrate Today, Own Tomorrow!
School News
'B' School Recognition

B Rated School

Dodge has been recognized as a 'B' school by the Arizona Department of Education for the 2023-2024 school year!
Black History Month Books
Black History Month books on display in the libraryIt’s Black History Month and our library has a myriad of wonderful books on display for our students to read!

Visit the library today to check any of these books out now.
Rotary Club Visit
Students stand out in a field in front of mountainsA huge thank you to Rotary Club of Rincon, Tucson for meeting with our NJHS students and helping us restock our PBIS store!
Tucson Korea Ambassador Program (TKAP) at Dodge
Korean students laugh together during the TKAP opening ceremony40 students from Ulleung and Yeongyang, two small regions in South Korea, landed in Tucson on January 17 for the Tucson Korea Ambassador Program (TKAP) with TUSD. Read more about this program.
Spelling Bee Runner-up
A girl in a green shirt stands at the microphone, preparing to spell her next wordCongratulations to Dodge student Cleo Gelt, for coming in second place in the District Spelling Bee! She will go on to compete at the Pima County Bee at Canyon Del Oro High School on Saturday, February 15th at 10 am. Good luck, Cleo!
Dodge Magnet Program

Watch the video above to learn more about Dodge's magnet program!