Parent Information

How to Volunteer

Approximately 40,000 volunteers provide over 270,000 hours of service a year to TUSD schools. Volunteers bring special skills and resources to district classrooms, offices, departments.

You can volunteer, too!
Parents who wish to volunteer should contact Mrs. McGlory at (520) 731-4100 or contact Ms. McGlory by email.
    -Community members who wish to volunteer at a TUSD school should call School Community Services at (520) 225-6400.

Return the following application form and certification regarding criminal record to Mrs. McGlory or School Community Services, 1010 E. Tenth St., Building B.

  1. School Volunteer Application Form (in PDF)
    Forma de Solicitud para Voluntario Escolar (en PDF)
  2. Certification Regarding Criminal Record (in PDF)
    Certificación sobre Antecedentes Penales (en PDF)

For more information, see the following TUSD Governing Board Policy and Regulation:

ParentVue Information
Have you created your ParentVue Account? TUSD is going paperless. Get started today!
The Dodge front office has an available parent computer, where we can help you get your ParentVue account started and provide help on how to use it to benefit your family.

Visit the TUSD website for more information.

View the ParentVue Activation Video