Dodge Sports
Sports Per Season
1st Season/Quarter 1: Cross Country, Girls Volleyball, Boys Basketball
2nd Season/Quarter 2: Girls Basketball, Boys Volleyball
3rd Season/Quarter 3: Girls and Boys Soccer
4th Season/Quarter 4: Track & Field
Girls Track & Field Coach
Coach: Micah Mills
Contact Mr. Mills by email
Practice is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Fridays from 4:00pm-5:00pm.
*Weather Permitting
Boys Track & Field Coach
Coach: Mark Teixeira
Contact Mr. T by email
Practice is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Fridays from 4:00pm-5:00pm.
*Weather Permitting

Athletic Forms
Please print and fill out all forms and submit them to the Dodge Magnet Middle School office. For questions, please contact Olivia Rendon by email or contact the school office at (520) 731-4100. All forms must be on file before a student athlete may participate in any athletic events including but not limited to: Tryouts, Practice, Games, Tournaments, Trips, etc.
AIA Physical Evaluation Form (Part I) (in PDF)
AIA Physical Evaluation Form (Part II) (in PDF)
AIA Concussion Form (in PDF)
Emergency Info Card / Parent Permission Card
The Emergency Info Card / Parent Permission must be picked up in the school office; not available online.
Please print and fill out all forms and submit them to the Dodge Magnet Middle School office. For questions, please contact Olivia Rendon by email or contact the school office at (520) 731-4100. All forms must be on file before a student athlete may participate in any athletic events including but not limited to: Tryouts, Practice, Games, Tournaments, Trips, etc.
AIA Physical Evaluation Form (Part I) (in PDF)
AIA Physical Evaluation Form (Part II) (in PDF)
AIA Concussion Form (in PDF)
Emergency Info Card / Parent Permission Card
The Emergency Info Card / Parent Permission must be picked up in the school office; not available online.